Get Ready for Homeworking

ON&ON large wall desk with shelves
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You may not be able to claim tax relief on them, but your company or employer may buy them for you or reimburse you if they are properly risk assessed. Does your company provide expenses and benefits for you to work at home?

Take a look at the ACAS website for more advice or from the Martin Lewis website here.

Our desk system has been designed to work in either the office environment or at home, and has been sized to provide enough ergonomic depth with a length that can be cut to any size. This means they can be designed into most homes and offices and will fit into tight spaces or can run from wall to wall. If you need more information about our wall desk click here.

Health & Safety for Homeworkers

If you are working from home there are a number of factors you should consider for safe working. Take a look at the Heath Executive website for homeworkers which covers a number of items that we have already designed into our desk system. They have also included a workstation checklist that you can review or print out to see if your desk or workspace covers everything.

  • Desk height adjustment
  • Adequate lighting
  • Cables should be tidy and not cause a hazard
  • Remove any obstructions from below your desk
  • Organise your printers and reference materials etc

At ON&ON our concern is that people working at home should be considering how their spaces are set up. In an office it’s the responsibility of a company and is covered within health and safety. At home everyone is forgetting that weeks of homeworking will have a knock on effect and it is still your employers responsibility. Try investing in a new well set up workspace and if you’re interested in our desk we can help. Even if you only have a small space we can help create you a great place to work.

#homeimprovement #workingfromhome #shelvingsystem #walldesk #homeofficedesign #wfh #workplacedesign


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