Join Shelving System™
It’s ready to go. Pre-order our new modular freestanding system today and get 15% off. Ready for dispatch 1st December 2024
Pre-Order a system before November 1st and get 15% off. Need more help? Send a system direct to our Planners to order a larger configuration.
Choose from 10 great colours to create your own Join™ shelving system. Combine modules to create the perfect length that fits your space. Try configurations for your TV, vinyl, books or great on its own.
"A high quality product designed for self assembly"
Join Shelving System™
WHITE (pure white)
BLACK (jet black)
IVORY (light ivory
BIEGE (grey biege)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
GREEN (moss green)
GREY (light grey)
RED (traffic red)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
WHITE (pure white)
IVORY (light ivory
GREEN (moss green)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
GREY (light grey)
BLACK (jet black)
DEEP RED (wine red)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
RED (traffic red)
GREY (light grey)
IVORY (light ivory
DEEP RED (wine red)
WHITE (pure white)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
GREEN (moss green)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
RED (traffic red)
DEEP RED (wine red)
IVORY (light ivory
GREY (light grey)
GREEN (moss green)
WHITE (pure white)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
WHITE (pure white)
IVORY (light ivory
GREY (light grey)
RED (traffic red)
GREEN (moss green)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
WHITE (pure white)
BLACK (jet black)
DEEP RED (wine red)
IVORY (light ivory
GREEN (moss green)
GREY (light grey)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
WHITE (pure white)
IVORY (light ivory
GREEN (moss green)
GREY (light grey)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
WHITE (pure white)
BLACK (jet black)
DEEP RED (wine red)
GREEN (moss green)
GREY (light grey)
IVORY (light ivory
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
DEEP RED (wine red)
GREEN (moss green)
IVORY (light ivory
GREY (light grey)
WHITE (pure white)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
GREEN (moss green)
GREY (light grey)
WHITE (pure white)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
IVORY (light ivory
WHITE (pure white)
GREY (light grey)
IVORY (light ivory
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLACK (jet black)
GREEN (moss green)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
WHITE (pure white)
BLUE (violet blue)
IVORY (light ivory
GREY (light grey)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
GREEN (moss green)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
DEEP RED (wine red)
WHITE (pure white)
BIEGE (grey biege)
IVORY (light ivory
GREEN (moss green)
GREY (light grey)
BLACK (jet black)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
BIEGE (grey biege)
IVORY (light ivory)
WHITE (pure white)
GREY (light grey)
GREEN (moss green)
DEEP RED (wine red)
BLACK (jet black)
BLUE (violet blue)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
WHITE (pure white)
IVORY (light ivory
GREY (light grey)
GREEN (moss green)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
WHITE (pure white)
GREY (light grey)
IVORY (light ivory
BIEGE (grey biege)
GREEN (moss green)
BLACK (jet black)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
IVORY (light ivory
WHITE (pure white)
GREY (light grey)
BIEGE (grey biege)
GREEN (moss green)
DEEP RED (wine red)
BLACK (jet black)
BLUE (violet blue)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
BLUE (violet blue)
GREEN (moss green)
BLACK (jet black)
DEEP RED (wine red)
GREY (light grey)
WHITE (pure white)
IVORY (light ivory
BIEGE (grey biege)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
WHITE (pure white)
GREY (light grey)
IVORY (light ivory
BLACK (jet black)
GREEN (moss green)
DEEP RED (wine red)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
WHITE (pure white)
BIEGE (grey biege)
IVORY (light ivory
GREY (light grey)
BLACK (jet black)
GREEN (moss green)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
BLACK (jet black)
GREY (light grey)
IVORY (light ivory
WHITE (pure white)
BIEGE (grey biege)
GREEN (moss green)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
WHITE (pure white)
IVORY (light ivory
BIEGE (grey biege)
GREY (light grey)
DEEP RED (wine red)
GREEN (moss green)
BLACK (jet black)
BLUE (violet blue)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
GREEN (moss green)
DEEP RED (wine red)
BLUE (violet blue)
BIEGE (grey biege)
IVORY (light ivory
GREY (light grey)
WHITE (pure white)
BLACK (jet black)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
WHITE (pure white)
IVORY (light ivory
GREY (light grey)
DEEP RED (wine red)
GREEN (moss green)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
BLUE (violet blue)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
IVORY (light ivory)
BIEGE (grey biege)
DEEP RED (wine red)
GREEN (moss green)
GREY (light grey)
WHITE (pure white)
BLACK (jet black)
BLUE (violet blue)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
WHITE (pure white)
GREY (light grey)
IVORY (light ivory
BIEGE (grey biege)
GREEN (moss green)
BLACK (jet black)
BLUE (violet blue)
DEEP RED (wine red)
RED (traffic red)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
WHITE (pure white)
GREY (light grey)
BLUE (violet blue)
GREEN (moss green)
DEEP RED (wine red)
BLACK (jet black)
BIEGE (grey biege)
IVORY (light ivory)
YELLOW (zinc yellow)
RED (traffic red)
Not what you're looking for?
Try looking at some of our other examples or ask our planners to change a system for you. Send them an example and tell them what you would like.