Is there a Vitsoe Alternative?

More people are asking what is the difference between Vitsoe shelving & ON&ON shelving, so we thought that a short post may help explain.
Lots of our customers also own Vitsoe shelving, both systems are wall mounted modular shelving systems and made in the UK.
How is ON&ON different to Vitsoe shelving?
- Our shelving system is modular, but some parts are also made to measure, so our systems are great at fitting between walls or into alcoves.
- Our long seamless shelves are up to 5m in length and cut to any size.
- Solid oak or walnut fronts can be added to your shelves changing the appearance and allowing you to design it them into your space.
- Undershelf lighting is built into our black or white lighting shelves with all the cables and leads hidden away.
- Our desks are also made to measure and standard sizes are up to 3m in length.
- We combine mini shelves with our desks or media systems to provide extra display space or help to create a clutter free desks.
- Like Vitsoe our system is designed to last, to be reconfigured, moved or resized so you never have to leave it behind or throw it away.
- We have been building a circular business for over 10 years, click here for more.
Is Vitsoe more expensive?
ON&ON shelving is a different type of product to Vitsoe shelving, but it's great if you're looking for alternatives. It's not easy to compare like for like as Vitsoe has two fixed shelf widths and several depths.
ON&ON shelves have two different depths but are made to measure up to 5m in length, you pay for every 10cm of length. If you compare exactly the same lengths but similar depths ON&ON are initially a lower price, but prices can be higher if under-shelf lighting or solid wood fronts are added. You can see all our priced parts here.
ON&ON White & Walnut, 5m aluminium shelf cut to size

Any more help just ask our planning team. You can use our enquiry forms here or send an email direct to them here if you have any questions.